- The Apothecary Cabinet: Herbal Tinctures + Teas + other Preparations
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This is one of my most popular single plant tinctures and it sells out fast... if I am sold out check back in later as my new infusion will be ready by mid June, so please make note.
WILD VIOLET Tincture (Viola odorata)
Oh, the magnificent violet. Springtime brings this mighty flower into our yards each year, carpeting it as if out of a fairy tale.
I harvested these violets this spring fresh and let them steep in my homemade honey brandy for 3 months, longer than usual to bring you their optimal properties. It’s the most AMAZING tasting tincture in my herbal line perhaps!
There are so many health benefits of the beautiful wild Violet. Read ahead to see how you can incorporate this herbal tincture into your life for better health:
- Lymphatic mover
- Anti-inflammatory
- Great for dry coughs (acute or chronic)
- Mild Laxative and helps the intestinal lining
- Respiratory infections or illness
- Breast health (fibrocystic)
- Rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and A
- Hot/Angry Temperaments
- Headaches
- Ayurveda; Viola increases Kapha while decreasing Pitta and remaining Vata neutral.
First, let’s see how the sweet Violets biologically perform.
Violets are considered a Mucilage herb. Mucilage coats, soothes and lubricates tissues, which will ease the pain of inflammation and promote the healing of those tissues. The mucilage also helps to loosen and expel mucous due to a dry cough.
Violets also have been known to have a laxative effect thanks to the mucilage helping to lubricate the intestines and eases the passage of stool if it is inhibited by dryness.
Violets are most well known to work well with the lymphatics, and are quite useful in acute congested states. For instance, if you’re just getting sick your glands start to become swollen, tender and hot to the touch... violets as a lymphatic plant can help these swollen glands and aid in getting the virus out of your body.
Violet can address older, chronic, “stuck” lymphatics as well, as it “softens” hard lumps to resolve blockage. I use Violets in my BREAST FLOW topical oil formula as well, because it of it’s ability to move the lymph system and thus help to keep healthy breast tissue and issues such as fibrocystic lumps or mastitis.
Violets are a cooling herb so therefore are GOOD FOR HOT TEMPERAMENTS that tend to get frustrated and angry and these constitutions are particularly soothed by it (ever heard of the term “hot headed”?)... You know, not unlike kids who respond to stress with screaming and yelling till they’re red in the face. Yeah, that kinda angry. Violet is also good for people who react to stress (or perhaps life in general) with rigidity. Violet softens. It inspires flexibility and a bit of “give”.
Basically, violets are especially helpful when tears need to be shed, hard hearts softened, or hot heads cooled.
Wildcrafted wild violet (Viola odorata) in honey brandy.
Take 1-2 dropperfuls per day in a little water or in tea. Can take more if needed.
Magickal Uses of Wild Violet
Planetary association: Venus
Deity: Zeus
Element: Water
Magickal Uses: Protection, Love, Lust, Luck, Wishes, Peace, Healing.
In the language of flowers, violets represent faithfulness.
Violets are an herb of love and protection. Violet crowns (chaplets) are said to cure headaches, hangovers, dizziness, bring sleep, and calm anger. The leaf is a protection from all evil.
Use the leaves to absorb evil spells or ill will. It is said that if you dream of Violets, your life is about to change for the better. Another belief is that if you harvest the first Violet in the spring, your wish will be granted.
*This information on the uses of herbs is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health care provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should be done under the direction of a health care professional. . It does not cover all possible uses, actions, precautions, side effects, or interactions of the herbs/plants discussed. Any statements made about herbs, and/or remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration . Own Your Ohm Health and the author are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the information discussed. If you are on other medications/ drugs, or are pregnant or breastfeeding or have a diagnosed medical condition, please consult your health care professional before taking any herbs/botanicals.