I am a licensed and Board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist through the National Guild of Hypnotherapists.
Hypnotherapy is guided hypnosis or a trance-like state of focus and concentration. The goal is to get the brain into a "Theta" wave state. This trance-like state is similar to being completely absorbed in a book, movie, music, or even one's own thoughts or meditations. In this relaxed state, you can turn your attention completely inward to find and utilize the natural resources deep within yourself that can help you to make changes or regain control in certain areas of your life. In this state your subconscious mind is able to be reprogramed with new ways of thinking which can help physical and emotional healing.
The hypnotic state allows you to be able to respond to therapeutic suggestions. Therefore, hypnotherapy can help some people change certain behaviors, such as stopping smoking or nail biting. It can also help people change perceptions and sensations, and is particularly useful in treating pain.
Almost everyone is "hypnotizable"... only about 15% of the population is not (those on psychopathic drugs, the delusional, or those who are in the military most of their lives for example).
As a certified clinical Hypnotherapist I can guide you through various aspects of your life in which you would like to see a lifestyle or emotional change with such as:
Addictions (smoking, drinking, etc.) Financial Relationships Self esteem Anxiety, stress, or panic attacks Weight Loss (what is your emotional tie to eating?) Fears + Phobias PTSD Past life and Age regressions (this life) Or almost anything that is holding you back from living your best life
There is no magic number of sessions. It depends on your goals and your suggestibility, which we will test in your first session. Some people experience immediate results after the first session and some slowly get better over the course of several months. I recommend at least starting with 4 sessions depending on what issue or goal you are working with. Of course you can always do more. Many of my clients see me regularly, as they find it a more transformative modality than traditional "talk therapy" which can cost a lot more.
Hypnotherapy works best with repetitive work, so you may be given recordings to take home and/or other exercises as you work towards your goals of transformation. You always receive valuable holistic health information suited to you with each session.
Once you have achieved your goals I suggest coming in for “tune ups” once in a while to keep your subconscious mind working for you.
Discounted Package of 4 regular hypnotherapy sessions = $520 ($130 per session discounted, pay upfront. Other special discount codes do not apply to this already discounted package deal) Individual one time session = $155 (a lot of "issues" can have great results with just one session!)
SMOKING CESSATION: A stop smoking hypnosis session program is known to be one of the most helpful techniques for smoking cessation. We will work on root energetic causes as well. Smoking Cessation Package deal of 4 sessions with tools to take home and support throughout our time together= $620 (after the 4 sessions it is $145 per extra session if we determine they are needed. Most find success with only 4 -6 sessions).
Contact me to explore this amazing modality of healing.